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Natural Labor Pain Relief Techniques

Contrary to popular belief, a natural childbirth doesn't mean you have to suffer.

There are many options to manage your pain using safe and natural methods.

Don't know where to start? In my next few posts I will share our ultimate guide to managing your pain during natural childbirth.

Let's begin:

Giving birth is a natural process, but what's called natural childbirth is the experience of labor and delivery without the use of any medication or anesthesia. Instead, you rely on natural methods of pain relief, like breathing and visualization.

There are some very good reasons for wanting to prepare yourself to give birth naturally, without the use of pain relief or local anesthesia. These are the two reasons most commonly cited by women who choose natural childbirth:

  • By skipping pain medication you can be more aware of the birth process.

  • Babies delivered without medication are more alert, since there are no drugs to get into the bloodstream.

Labor does hurt, and everyone has a different threshold for pain. Fortunately, many pain-management options are available to you—you're not restricted to the standbys of traditional western medicine. Let's take a closer look at some natural pain relief methods during labor.

The first rule of labor,


Staying active during labor can help women deal with pain and reduce the length of labor. Women have been active in labor for centuries, but a medicalization of childbirth in the West led to an acceptance that women lie in bed.

Although you may want to rest on a bed between contractions, many women find that when they feel supported, they'll instinctively want move around and don't cope well lying down, which can increase pain and hamper the progress of labor as your baby pushes against gravity.

You may find it helpful to take a walk, roll on a birthing ball, rock in a rocking chair or change positions when you get too uncomfortable.

Keep in mind, though, that there are certain interventions, such as the use of electronic fetal monitor, IVs and some types of analgesia, that will limit your mobility.

number two,


Many women find being in warm water during labor very soothing and an excellent way to cope with labor pain. The warmth of the water relaxes muscles, and being in water aids buoyancy, which can help relieve the pressure on your pelvis.

This natural method has become more and more available for women and many hospitals and birth centers provide bathtubs.

Whether or not you can actually deliver your baby in the water will depend on the hospital's policy and whether there are any doctors or midwives trained in water births. You can also purchase or rent a birthing pool.

follow us for part number two, coming soon!!!!!!!!!!!!


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